Wednesday, March 10, 2010

WGF Workshop Reflection

My experience with the WGF Workshop was fantastic. I learned so much during the workshop. I learned how to write a script for a movie, what has to go in the script to make it realistic, and how to build the script. I really got into my inner writer during the workshop. The instructor, Fred Rappapor, was teaching us in the most interesting way from day one. he really got me interested in script writing. I actually started writing a script on my own, as a side project, Its all thanks to this wonderful workshop. Fred was an amazing instructor.

The WGF Workshop really helped me get in touch with my inner writer. On the script, that was mandatory for us to do, I used some personal info in the script to give it some personal edge. Fred really helped me out with my script. He taught me how to build a script, he taught me about the "All is Lost" moment. Fred was with me every step of the way and for that I thank him. The WGF really gave me and all my classmates a chance to know how writing a scrip can be very fun and can have a very big impact on our lives.

The way the WGF Workshop ended was very cool. The workshop had real actors come and act out our scripts. My script was one of the few that where performed, not many students got to finish on time. They where performed in front of a small amount of students from other classes. I don't want to sound like i have a big head, but it think my script was a really big hit with the crowed. That was probably because my script had some foul language. The actors where amazing, and they only read the script that morning. The WGF workshop really is amazing and I'm glad that i had the opportunity to try it.

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