Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wild Card Essay: Discovery of Music

Right now music is a big part of my life, but it wasn't always like that. When i was younger I really didn't like music, I didn't hate music but i didn't like it ether. My cousin always talked about music with every one, except me because i had no clue of what he was talking about. I never had time for music, I was to busy trying to keep up with school. I was pretty good in school, I just wanted to make sure I didn't fall behind, I wanted to be the firth in my family to make it past the ninths grade.

It was between the end of fifth grade and the beginning of sixth grade that i started getting more and more into music. I started off by watching music videos. As time went by i got more into music. I could talk about music with my cousin more now, even if we have different taste in music. Music is something, probably the only thing, everyone like/loves. Music is liked by everyone because it has many forms and it expresses many different emotions.

Now I'm all about music, my life revolves around music. The first year of high school I took a music production class. It was amazing, even if i didn't finish the class. I'm doing everything i can to get into music. I'm writing songs, I'm learning to read music. I'm trying to learn the guitar, piano, and the drums; but, its hard when you don't know where to go to learn. I hope that in the future i have a courier in the music business.

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