Friday, December 11, 2009

Violence Essay

I've never really had any violence in my life. My life has been boring, nothings ever happen to me, except the time with my brother. My brother use to drink, when i was younger, & when he came home drunk he would ask me a simple question. When i answered and it wasn't the answer he wanted he would place a knife on my head and tell me to say the answer he wanted to hear. Sometimes he would hit me, never hard enough to do any damage but enough to put fear in my face.

He stopped drinking so he didn't hit me any more, and then he moved out. After my brother i never had anything bad happen to me. So, everything was going okay until i went to middle school. That's when the real violence in my life happened.

When i was in middle school, sixth grade, there was this kid in about three of my classes. He was a real jerk! that's probably cause he was in special ed. I was good friends with a few of his friends, so we would bump in to each other every now and then. He would bully me any chance he got; but, only when one of his & me friend was around, was when he wouldn't do anything to me. I got fed up with the bullying that i finally did something about it. I didn't rat him out because I'm not that type of person, I didn't use violence ether. I came up with a plan to get him caught for bullying me. I knew the dean of the school always walked around the school during lunch so i used that. I tricked him on bullying me, and he got caught.
Sense then the only violence in my life has been between me and my cousin. We always fight, but in a non-harmful way.